e-ISSN: 3009 - 0792
Tuesday, 22 April 2025
2:15 pm

The Engineer Story is a newsletter for all engineers and engineers-to-be to share their stories in order to inspire and encourage others to pursue a career in engineering. The story referred to here is not confined to engineering and technical studies, but can be expanded to include the difficulties of an engineer's career, issues encountered, and solutions found.

A person who designs, constructs, or maintains engines, machinery, or structures is an engineer. It can alternatively be rendered as skillfully cause something to happen. An Engineer or Senior Engineer applies mathematics and science to address various technical issues. Their primary responsibilities include inventing new goods for use by organisations or individuals, maintaining existing items to enhance their utility, and building new machinery to increase an organization's efficiency. Engineers are primarily responsible for assisting in the planning, coordination, and execution of engineering projects, collaborating with management to generate project budgets, and providing assistance in the creation of energy conservation and management programmes.
Engineers also need to have the expertise to explain things clearly. This is to ensure that a project does not suffer from negligence or error. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Skudai, Johor provides a platform for engineers to share opinions and knowledge in empowering the field of engineering, particularly engineering students and junior engineers who are interested in hearing "stories" from experienced engineers.

It is completely free to join us !
Every two months
( February, April, June, August, October, Disember )